SEPTEMBER 7, 2024 | 10a – 5p | $5 Adults (until 3:00), ages 13 and below FREE
2110 Harper St, Bldg 21 | Lawrence, Kansas

Ed Bickford

Brittney Garner
Cameron Kieffer
Ethan Mavec
Bridget Meier
Haunted Amusement Park
Mario Mora
Rachel Newhouse
Dawn Ross
John “Doctor Fantastic” Schweiker
Colton Strathman
DJ Wiedrich
Andras Yaghjian
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2024 theme song by
hitting the button below!
Our special request page!

Sign up for the snail mail list, and we’ll send you a postcard before each show!
Just click the button above, complete form, and submit it!
Any new signups received within 2 weeks prior to any show will not get a card for that show, but will receive cards for all subsequent shows.
To remain on the list, you must return at least 1 postcard per calendar year.

1-2 Kc Retro Pop
3-4 Jeff Clem
5-6 Back in Time Comics and Toys
7 Kurt’s Vault
8 TIY Comics and Toys
9 KC Books, Comics & Collectibles
10 Monster Hunter Comics
11 Prestige 3D Designs & Printing
12 Berend Marsman
13-14 Gamer’s Heaven
15 Craig Devena
18 Jarod Hackney
19-20 DB Comics
31-33 Nerdstalgia Collectibles
34-35 James Correll
36 Insomniac Illustrations
37 Chris Rieke
38-38 Top City Comics
40 Nerdy Foxtails
41 Feral Kitten
42-45 Middle School Geek
T-Shirts will be available at the show for $25 each in either white or grey material.